30 April 2011

An unexpected gift

In everyone’s life and career you encounter special people that leave lasting warmth in your heart and Brenda and Ladd meet that feeling.

They are a great couple to spend time with and work for; the best thing about them is their generosity.  They surprised Judith and I with a gift certificate for one of our favorite restaurants, Sage.

Sage is a French-American Bistro and Oyster Bar located in downtown Hollywood. (www.sagecafe.net) Their oysters are to die for!

Judith and I received the gift certificate in the mail yesterday morning and quickly set out after I got home to enjoy a quiet evening of great food, great atmosphere and great service.

If you’re in Hollywood, Sage is an experience you must partake in.

Thanks and much appreciation to Brenda and Ladd!

We had a great time.

Father and third son

Josiah and I having a moment in the backyard.

Fun with Hank

After the tour of the submarine Echo had to go to the library due to the play so I took Hank for some pizza.  It was a good opportunity to snap a couple of photos in the park.

Fleet Week

This past week I took Echo and Hank to view the USS Annapolis submarine at Fleet Week at Port Everglades.  This Homeschool event was quite the honor; it’s not easy getting tickets to such an event.

Due to the age restriction I was only able to take the two older boys which left the younger ones wanting.  All in all it was pretty cool hanging with the sailors even though there was no drinking and neither of us got tattoos.

Sorry there are no photos of the inside of the sub they were not permitted but the photos I did take give you an idea of just how big the port and the ships are.

The above signs show just how serious they are about security even though it was basically “Security Theater.”  I received about an 8 page email from the Homeschool coordinator explaining the protocol regarding entering the port.

I followed the instructions to the tee knowing I would have to get through 3 check-points.  We left 45 minutes early as we were told to expect delays.

I took my driver’s license, you know the document that proves you're actually “YOU” and put it with the two very important documents that without I would not be able to enter the port and presented it at the first check-point. 

Expecting my vehicle to get the once over by bomb sniffing dogs and Federal Agents with those mirrors on a bent poles I presented my documents to the guard at the gate only to be told “I don’t need that, keep it moving.”

Second check-point, very large soldier with very large automatic rifle … “I don’t need that” “Have a nice day.”

Third check-point, old lady with lipstick on her teeth – “Enjoy the tour.” 

So we left 45 minutes early and were there, parked and waiting at the inside dock within 15 minutes.  So much for security.

We had a great time with the servicemen of the USS Annapolis.
Thank you all for an enjoyable time and your service to our country.

29 April 2011


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5000 total pageviews.

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Especially to the unknown followers in
Denmark, the Ukraine,
and the
Netherlands Antilles.

Just out of curiosity

How’s that “Hopey-Changey” thing working out for you?