30 July 2011

A gift from Chris

A customer of mine Chris was nice enough to reward me and my family with dinner at Red Lobster for a job well done.

Thanks Chris it was greatly appreciated.

Waiting to be served

Not much time is spent on death row for these fellows

Trying to pick from many dishes

Smile for the camera

Echo and Stephanie our server

Josiah and Hank enjoying life


No matter how it's viewed, it's still time and it waits for no one.

Hour glass charm

12 hour and 24 hour clock in one

The dream

The white picket fence
Does the "white picket fence" ever become reality?

29 July 2011

Sigurd F. Olson Quote

Joys come from simple and natural things: mist over meadows, sunlight on leaves,
the path of the moon over water.
Even rain and wind and stormy clouds
bring joy.

Flower girl Elise

This past Sunday Elise had the honor of being asked to participate in the sermon. The subject of the sermon was the Bride of Christ and Elise was the flower girl in the opening ceremony.

Silas wore his suit, boy, they’re adorable!

Brother and sister best of friends


This is why boys don't make good flower girls

Time to go to lunch

Papa and Emerson

Moving up in Rank

The Professor instructs the class

Silas waiting to spar

The boys spar to show off their skill

The Boys receive their higher rank
Hank receives his Blue Belt

Josiah receives his Blue Belt

Silas receives his Yellow Tips

Eric (Jr. Black Belt), Professor Rey Perez Chief Instructor (7th dan Shuriryu Karatedo, 5th dan Jing Shen Jie Feng Kuntao,  4th dan Shorei Ryu Hon Shin Do), Echo (High Purple Belt)
Hank (Blue Belt), Josiah (Blue Belt), Silas (Yellow Tip White Belt)

We would like to thank Iron Warrior's Training Camp for instructing our boys
in the art of Martial Arts for over 8 years.

Movie night at Young Circle (Downtown Hollywood)

Families enjoying the time before the movie starts

Emerson taking in the sights

Some happy, some sad

"Over the Hedge" begins

The funny thing about the movie was that in the movie a bear gives a raccoon an ultimatum to get something done by the next full moon or else. As the movie came to a close the full moon peaked up above the movie screen as the bear announced that the raccoon’s time was up.

How do things like that happen?