The Host of the Woodwright’s Shop

Roy Underhill, Host of the Woodwright’s Shop on PBS, get’s a haircut at his wood working school in Pittsboro, North Carolina.  photo by Brent Clark, 2012.

Frank Moore and his really cool truck

I haven’t the foggiest idea who he is but he does have a cool truck

Good to the last drop

The only thing better than having a hot cup of Joe is having
a hot cup of Joe with Judith while the kids are
at least 500 to 1000 feet away from us for a long period of time

Think. Think. Think.

"We are dying from overthinking. We are slowly killing ourselves by thinking about everything. Think. Think. Think. You can never trust the human mind anyway. It’s a death trap."

Anthony Hopkins

Lavender Silhouettes

                                                          by Laurette van der Merwe

25 January 2013

Speaking of keeping my eyes peeled

I come across this 102 year old table at a customer’s home in Oceanside, (Long Island) New York. It seems it was in a Ford dealership  since 1910 and in 1954 the owner of the dealership give it to my customer’s parents.

It sat in their garage for the last 58 years and now after I ship it home it will become my desk in my office cabin.

Martha Stewart would be proud.

That chair

I had a rocker just like this one some 20 years ago and boy was it the tops!

I should have never let it go; I even had a matching couch.

I guess I’ll just have to keep my eyes peeled, ouch, that’s got to hurt, for a replacement.

Let me know if you come across one in your travels, thanks.

Up … high …Gone

The title of this post is Emerson’s description to Judith of my taking off in a plane from Branson, Missouri last Sunday. Yes, I’m back in the big Apple for another three weeks of finish carpentry, good food, frigid weather and 8 million people.

In fact as I type its 15 degrees, the snow is coming down hard and fast and all 8 million people are inside toasty warm including me. There must be 2 inches out there and it’s getting deeper by the minute.

This is only my second round at working out of state and its hard being away from Judith and the rabbits especially since Echo stayed behind this time and I’m working solo.

All is not lost I only have 384 hours to go.

Emer I might have gone up high but I’m not gone, I’ll be back soon.

For Emerson

Emer's got this thing for trains and tractors,
then again what 3 year doesn't?