31 May 2013

Leaving on a jet plane

Our flight leaves this morning at 11:01 Eastern time and we arrive home at 4:00 Central time. 6 weeks is way too long of a trip to be away from the homestead.

We can’t wait to be back with Judith, Hank, Josiah, Silas, Elise (Girlie), Emerson, Molly, Creamy Joe, our friends, strangers that smile, wave, and say hello when you walk or drive by,  rolling hills, tree, creeks, rivers, fresh air, cows, horses, chickens, tractors, pick up trucks, etc.

Green acres is the place for me, farm living is the life for me …

26 May 2013

Manning Up

With the big men out of state working, the younger guys have had to step up and get things done.  It has been physically hard at times.  Lifting heavy things, trying to figure out how to work the power tools, taking care of all the chores - including digging holes for the animals that have died.  

It has been difficult but we have done great.  Starting the tractor (and remembering how to shut it off!), attaching the hose to the air compressor without getting killed, catching the bead on the flat tire of the wheel barrow.  Finally!  Cleaning up each night (even if we have to go out after dark to do it), picking up gross remnants of trash that the neighbor's dog has strewn around the yard, building a fence around the garbage to keep the neighbor dog from ripping the trash bags to shreds, fixing a tarp over a dog kennel to use as a make-shift chicken coop after the sudden acquisition of two laying hens, redoing the roof with vinyl siding panels after the tortured beheading and death of our beloved hen Red Rosie by a raccoon, clearing all the little trees away from the chicken coop in order to set up a deer-cam to see what was terrorizing our lovelies in the night.  Putting up a huge garden, clearing and hauling tons of rocks and grass and dirt to make the garden better.  

This is just a small sample of the many, many things we have done together in the last 5 weeks.  I am very proud of what we have been able to accomplish.  They all take there responsibility very seriously and want everything to be done the right way like Papa would want it.  It is impressive and heartwarming how well they work together to figure solutions and muscle the load.

Josiah and Silas took on the task of securing some low hanging wires under the truck.  About 50 wire ties later, you can be sure that wire aint never coming down!

Dirt falling in your face is part of being a man


My big little men

Tadpole Relocation

The neighbor's property has a nice spring-fed creek that is very populated with tadpoles of some type. We decided that it would be great if some of the babies grew up in our creek.  We spent a beautiful afternoon playing in the water, collecting the little buggers and enjoying each other.

I see nothing

Kitty hug



Little boots 

Little bit bigger boots

Bigger boots


Have you noticed these flowers?





World War II Plant

Willow Run Bomber Plant could be a new home for the Yankee Air Museum


People empty me. I have to get away to refill.

Charles Bukowski 

Getting the garden started

A while a go we got some seeds started in the house.
Trying to catch up on all the photos.
So many fun things going on!

Silas' self-guided garden complete with wild onion he collects in the woods,
lettuce stumps from the compost and even an old onion
and sweet potato (no sprouting thanks bud nip)


Getting a little direction on tray filling

These seeds are soooo tiny! Tweezers help.

Make the hole with the pencil

Group project of course

Emerson determined to be included

Tweezers are so difficult to control

Okay, just use those sticky fingers!

Taking in a meal out of doors

This is our 1st dinner of the season to be enjoyed outdoors.

Simple but pleasant enough

Totally psyched

Dangerously creative

The Fire Starter

Another psyched one  

Prepping for hobo pies in honor of Echo's birthday

Buttery toasted yumminess

Bedtime visitor. Huge! and got into the house 3 times!!!