30 July 2013

I sometime wonder what goes through a 2 year old's mind?

They are so independent yet need us in so many ways.
Makes me wonder.

More rain!

Forecast for today: 8 - 10 hours of rain.

29 July 2013

Update on the chicken run

Posts dug in and set for the fencing

The kids help set the post


Post filled and pressed with dirt

Echo, the young ones and I started on the bottom of the coop.
As you can see one chicken knows all this effort is for them or at lest him. 

Update on the Vegetable Garden

What's growing in the garden

Redefining baby potatoes

Harvesting potatoes

Even George helped out

Our first Watermelon

I guess we'll be having potatoes and eggs for lunch tomorrow
and the next day and the next 

Another day in the life