25 May 2011

Judith, Mother of six - Two by land, four by sea

Judith submitted Emerson's birth story to Water Birth International and I thought it would be worth a look.

After five children and three water births at home, my husband and I felt very confident in our choice to birth our new baby Emerson in the water. The other times we simply used an inflatable kiddie pool in our home with the water supply from the laundry room and it was perfect. This birth our midwife offered us the use of her Aquadula pool. We decided to try it out.

Since my house is very small, we picked the kitchen as the birth environment. Not bad at all. My husband joked that I could get up between contractions and cook lunch!! The Aquadula was very wonderful and fit great in the small space we had to work with. And what a difference from the kiddie pool - MUCH better. Deeper makes the difference.

While I labored away in the peaceful morning light of the kitchen, the other children were holed up in the bedroom watching a movie. I gave the signal when I felt the urge to push and they were quickly fetched to witness the actual birth. So quietly the five came in that I had to open my eyes to see them because I didn't hear a peep. Then a few pushes, the baby eased into my husband's capable hands. With only 1 hour and 17 minutes of labor, we didn't need to wait long to hold our beautiful, sweet fifth son!

Nothing compares to the exhilaration of being part of God's miraculous process of building a family. And nothing beats the loveliness of birthing at home :)

Judith, Mama of 6
2 by land 4 by sea

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