A while a go we got some seeds started in the house.
Trying to catch up on all the photos.
So many fun things going on!
Silas' self-guided garden complete with wild onion he collects in the woods,
lettuce stumps from the compost and even an old onion
and sweet potato (no sprouting thanks bud nip)

Getting a little direction on tray filling
These seeds are soooo tiny! Tweezers help.
Make the hole with the pencil
Group project of course
Emerson determined to be included
Tweezers are so difficult to control
Okay, just use those sticky fingers!
Trying to catch up on all the photos.
So many fun things going on!
Silas' self-guided garden complete with wild onion he collects in the woods,
lettuce stumps from the compost and even an old onion
and sweet potato (no sprouting thanks bud nip)
Getting a little direction on tray filling
These seeds are soooo tiny! Tweezers help.
Make the hole with the pencil
Group project of course
Emerson determined to be included
Tweezers are so difficult to control
Okay, just use those sticky fingers!
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