15 September 2010

It’s all in the name

I have been contemplating whether or not to start a Blog for some time now.  I wondered, can I stay regimented enough to keep at it and do I have it in me to be creative enough to hold the interest of strangers and friends alike.

I thought I would start by coming up with a name, something cool, different and somewhat unusual … enter “Writer’s Block” stage left.  Great, how can I command a blog when I can’t even come up with a name?  Maybe authors write their books and then come up with the title at a later date, I don’t know.

Some weeks went by and several thoughts came and went.  Then I entertained calling it “The Fool on the Hill,” because to be honest, there are plenty of days I walk around feeling just that. Needless to say, the blog was put on hold until I was able to come up with something that felt right.

I come home the other day and sit at my desk like I do every day and my wife, Judith sit down next to me at her desk and proceeded to go over the day’s events that happened while I was at work. She told me how she was hanging clothes at the clothes line with Elise our 2 ½ year old daughter, and how it was 2000 degrees outside. 

She explained that while she was hanging clothes, Elise sat patiently in the shade sitting on a cement block with her hands folded waiting for her to finish. She also added how Elise was just happy being with her mom and the wait didn’t seem to bother her. 

Then Judith paused, looked at me and said in a quiet voice, she was just waiting in the shade sitting on a brick.

Ah, to have that much patience.

1 comment:

  1. Great name! Oh, to have the patience of your little girl.

    Keep blogging,
