18 February 2012


After many years of symptoms and poor quality of mind-set, we as a family found a specialist to diagnose what has been ailing all eight of us in recent years.  After several hours of tests, it was determined that we all suffered from N.D.D. also known as Nature-Deficit Disorder.

As you can well expect, we were shocked by this news and were afraid of what this devastating diagnosis would bring.  How would having a disorder change our life, what changes would we have to make, and most of all, would the quality of our life drastically change forever?

You betcha!  The doctor wrote us out a prescription to move to the country, breathe fresh air, eat fresh vegetables from our garden, explore the woods, run through the meadow and take off our shoes and get some soil between our toes!

You know what they say … Doctor’s orders – Gotta go.

79 days and counting.

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