13 June 2013

Let it rain, let it rain ...

Last week the Weather Bunny’s predicted a terrible thunderstorm that would rival Noah’s experience so with this looming in the forecast Echo and I thought this would be a good time to install a rain collection system on the house.

With the hours ticking away we hurried at our project and finished with time to spare. Looking at the rain collection chart we figured one inch of rain would net us around 400 or so gallons of water.

After looking up in the sky and realizing that the storm must have stop off on the way for a cup of coffee or something we ran into the house to check on the weather map only to find that the storm had split and went around us.

Aside from a 3 minute rain shower the next day which netted us about 20 gallons of water it hasn’t rained since in fact our creek is drying up and the temperatures are on the raise.

This past Saturday was our one year anniversary marking our move to the Ozarks and if you remember we moved here during one of the hottest summers on record. Even though I would prefer not to believe it we’re probably in for a long hot dry summer just like last year.

Oh, wait the Weather Bunny is predicting 4 days of rain starting on Sunday. Can’t wait for this storm to split and go around us too.

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